Growing Up in the 1970's

by Nance Fyson

Published 29 May 1986
Each book in the "Growing Up" series tells what life was like for children from birth to adulthood, in a particular period of history or a particular civilization. The books cover the lives of children from all classes of society and are designed for 12 to 16 year olds. The text contains contemporary quotations and many photographs, as well as a list of further reading and of places to visit. The 1970s might be remembered for unemployment and strikes and 3-day weeks, for the Queen's Silver Jubilee, for punks and skateboards. It was a decade of protest and demanding rights and equality. Computers came to the fore in many areas of everyday life. Topics covered include energy, transport and the environment, work, unemployment and strikes, family and home life, health and welfare and food, education and schools, books and magazines, entertainments, holidays, leisure, games and sport, fashion and music and multi-ethnic society. The author has written other books in this series.