Have a passion for fashion? This comprehensive guide can help you land your dream job in the world of fashion and design.

Fashion is more than fun—it holds a wide array of career opportunities! From high-profile jobs like clothing designer, model, and fashion photographer to the not-so-well-known professions of fabric cutter and colorist, So, You Want to Work in Fashion? explores a wide world of possibilities that are thrilling and fulfilling.

In addition to tips and interviews from a variety of fashion professionals, So, You Want to Work in Fashion? includes inspiring stories from young people who are in the industry right now, as well as activities, a glossary, and resources to help you on your way to a successful career in fashion.

Have you ever been excited by the idea of leading a group or being in charge? This comprehensive guide reveals a whole host of careers you can pursue with leadership skills you can start building today.

We have all known kids who say they want to grow up to be President of the United States, but what about becoming an educational leader or the CEO of a company? There are myriad ways kids today can grow up to become the leaders of tomorrow. But the only way to get there is to start becoming a leader today.

Covering everything from well-known professions like CEO, school superintendent, and government officials, to the not-so-well-known professions like becoming an entertainment leader or spiritual advisor, So, You Want to Be a Leader? uncovers a treasure trove of opportunities for kids to assert themselves now to ensure a successful future.

In addition to tips and interviews from professionals in the industry, So, You Want to Be a Leader? includes inspiring stories from kids who are already leaders in their own communities, activities, a glossary, and resources to help kids on their way to a successful and fulfilling career.