The Wild Year Book

by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield

Published 3 July 2018
Adventures, games and crafts to get you outdoors all the year round.  Playing outdoors should be an essential part of growing up; developing your imagination, keeping fit and letting the wild world weave its magic spell on you.  In The Wild Year Book, Fiona and Jo have selected 70 of their favourite activities to help you enjoy spending time outdoors, season by season.  Perhaps you'll want to play camouflage games in Spring and make enormous bubbles in the summer, challenge your friends to a foraging bake-off in the autumn, or create ice mobiles in the winter. With this book you will never be short of inspiration!

Over 100,000 copies sold of Fiona and Jo's Going Wild series.

The Wild Weather Book

by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield

Published 1 January 2013

Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield are back with more wonderful ideas for fun outdoors even in the most challenging weather!
Imagine -   jumping in the biggest puddle you can find!
-    Or running barefoot and feeling squidgy mud ooze up between your toes!  
-    Or run up the nearest hill to feel the wind try to carry you away!

When it’s wet, or windy or cold, there’s no need to stay cooped up indoors; it’s a great opportunity to rush outside for some fun.
-    Go on an animal hunt and find the creatures that come out in the wet.  
-    Fly a kite in the wind and catch falling leaves.  
-    Take your camera into a white world and see how many different icy patterns and shapes you can find.  
There are loads of exciting and creative things you can do in the natural world when the weather’s wild.  So don’t wait for the sun:  take this book with you and go outdoors for a wild weather adventure!

The Stick Book

by Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield

Published 15 March 2012

The stick is a universal toy. Totally natural, all-purpose, free, it offers limitless opportunities for outdoor play and adventure and it provides a starting point for an active imagination and the raw material for transformation into almost anything! As New York's Strong National Museum of Play pointd out when they selected a stick for inclusion in their National Toy Hall of Fame, 'It can be a Wild West horse, a medieval knight's sword, a boat on a stream, or a slingshot with a rubber band . . .' In this book Fiona Danks and Jo Schofield offer masses of suggestions for things to do with a stick, in the way of adventures and bushcraft, creative and imaginative play, games, woodcraft and conservation, music and more.

The Wild City Book

by Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks

Published 1 May 2014

Do you live in a city? Then The Wild City Book is for you!

It’s all about having fun outdoors in the wild spaces near where you live – hunting for wildlife clues, watching wild creatures, making wild art, playing wild games, having exciting outdoor adventures. A wild, surprising world of plants and animals is always waiting to be discovered round the corner, right now, in every city. You just need to keep your eyes open and know where to look.

Featured projects include:

- Water graffiti

- Pavement storyboards

- Recycled bird feeders

- Make a parachute for a stick man

- Clay gargoyles

The Beach Book

by Jo Schofield and Fiona Danks

Published 4 June 2015

You don’t need to live right on the water’s edge to have fun at the beach! The Beach Book is all about finding wild places at the seaside, as well as by lakes and rivers and making the most of opportunities to explore and enjoy all these places have to offer. You can have fun:

  • Discovering beach wildlife (eg. rock pooling, crabbing and fishing or making a rock-pool viewer) and exploring sand dunes and beach combing.
  • Making the most of lakes and rivers by foraging, damming and diverting streams and boat racing.
  • Using natural resources to play and invent new games (e.g., stone Jenga and skittles, ball runs and boules or  funny face games.
  • Being creative (e.g., making driftwood monsters, marram grass dolls and creating sand paintings).