Book 393

In many practical situations, we are interested in statistics characterizing a population of objects: e.g. in the mean height of people from a certain area.


Most algorithms for estimating such statistics assume that the sample values are exact. In practice, sample values come from measurements, and measurements are never absolutely accurate. Sometimes, we know the exact probability distribution of the measurement inaccuracy, but often, we only know the upper bound on this inaccuracy. In this case, we have interval uncertainty: e.g. if the measured value is 1.0, and inaccuracy is bounded by 0.1, then the actual (unknown) value of the quantity can be anywhere between 1.0 - 0.1 = 0.9 and 1.0 + 0.1 = 1.1. In other cases, the values are expert estimates, and we only have fuzzy information about the estimation inaccuracy.


This book shows how to compute statistics under such interval and fuzzy uncertainty. The resulting methods are applied to computer science (optimal scheduling of different processors), to information technology (maintaining privacy), to computer engineering (design of computer chips), and to data processing in geosciences, radar imaging, and structural mechanics.

Book 773

How can we solve engineering problems while taking into account data characterized by different types of measurement and estimation uncertainty: interval, probabilistic, fuzzy, etc.? This book provides a theoretical basis for arriving at such solutions, as well as case studies demonstrating how these theoretical ideas can be translated into practical applications in the geosciences, pavement engineering, etc.
In all these developments, the authors' objectives were to provide accurate estimates of the resulting uncertainty; to offer solutions that require reasonably short computation times; to offer content that is accessible for engineers; and to be sufficiently general - so that readers can use the book for many different problems. The authors also describe how to make decisions under different types of uncertainty.
The book offers a valuable resource for all practical engineers interested in better ways of gauging uncertainty, for students eager to learn and apply the new techniques, and for researchers interested in processing heterogeneous uncertainty.

Book 1047

Modern AI techniques –- especially deep learning –- provide, in many cases, very good recommendations: where a self-driving car should go, whether to give a company a loan, etc. The problem is that not all these recommendations are good -- and since deep learning provides no explanations, we cannot tell which recommendations are good. It is therefore desirable to provide natural-language explanation of the numerical AI recommendations. The need to connect natural language rules and numerical decisions is known since 1960s, when the need emerged to incorporate expert knowledge -- described by imprecise words like "small" -- into control and decision making. For this incorporation, a special "fuzzy" technique was invented, that led to many successful applications. This book described how this technique can help to make AI more explainable.The book can be recommended for students, researchers, and practitioners interested in explainable AI.