It doesn’t take culinary mastery and great recipes to be a great cook. But then again, it does take more than boiling eggs to lure you out of ordering take-out every night. Whether you want to pick up a new hobby, win your friends and family over [move “over” after “win”?] with your meals, or eat healthier, heartier meals, you’ll need to know a few things about cooking. Basic Cooking For Dummies, Third Edition digs you out of microwave dinners and tipping delivery persons and propels you with all the ingredients you need toward becoming a superior home cook. This hands-on guide shows you the fun and easy way to prepare meals all your guests will love, from die-hard vegetarians to the most passionate meat eaters. You’ll be able to handle boiling, poaching, steaming, braising, grilling, and other essential techniques, making it easy to master:

Stirring up sensational soups
Perfecting the art of the egg
Dressing up salads to impress
Creating wonderful pasta dishes
One-stop one-pot meals
Satisfying your sweet tooth with desserts
Cooking for your boss
Making the most of leftovers
Meals for the most special occasions

Packed with over 150 tempting, hassle-free recipes that will satisfy every palette, as well as advice on supplying, organizing, and budgeting your kitchen, you’ll have all the know-how to become a culinary expert and possess the elusive key to anyone’s stomach!

Dachshunds For Dummies

by Eve Adamson

Published 19 November 2007
Thinking about owning a Dachshund? Dachshunds For Dummies, 2nd Edition, is fully updated to show you how to find the one you’ll love forever and make him or her part of your family. Whether you choose a standard or miniature this one-stop guide gives you all the information you need to raise and care for your adorable “hot dog.” This must-have resource is packed with expert advice on everything from feeding and healthcare to housebreaking, grooming, training, and more. Plus, you’ll learn the ins and outs of selecting the right vet, handling emergencies, and even showing your Dachshund. You’ll find out about the ups and downs of living with a pet, get familiar with the Dachshund’s classic physical characteristics, and find help in deciding whether you’d like a smooth, wirehaired, or longhaired pooch. Discover how to:

Choose your ideal Dachshund
Prepare your home for your new arrival
Manage your puppy’s nutrition and health
Conquer training problems
Groom a smooth, wirehaired, or longhaired Dachshund
Build a strong and loving bond with your pet
Handle common Dachshund back problems
Choose toys, grooming tools, and accessories
Select a crate and bedding
Introduce your dog to other pets
Take charge of your Dachshund’s training

Bringing a lively, clever Dachshund into your home will be a happy and joyful experience. Dachshunds For Dummies, 2nd Edition, makes it easy, too!