Meeting the Needs of Your Most Able Pupils in Modern Foreign Languages covers the areas that all MFL teachers need to be aware of: Recent government legislation, national initiatives and departmental policy. The book provides subject specific guidance, illustrated with case studies on the following areas:

  • support for more able students with learning difficulties (ADHD, dyslexia, sensory impairment)
  • recognizing high potential or ability
  • multiple intelligences and learning styles
  • classroom provision
  • planning differentiation, extension and enrichment
  • teacher questioning skills
  • homework
  • recording and assessment
  • beyond the classroom: visits, residentials, competitions, summer schools, masterclasses, links with universities, businesses and other organizations.

Including access to online materials this book is essential reading for secondary teachers, subject heads of departments, Gifted and Talented co ordinators, SENCos and LA advisers.