In a previous Memoirs (Vol. 92, No. 448), Levenberg and Yamaguchi analysed the second variation of the Robin function $-\lambda(t)$ associated to a smooth variation of domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ for $n\geq 2$. In the current work, the authors study a generalisation of this second variation formula to complex manifolds $M$ equipped with a Hermitian metric $ds^2$ and a smooth, nonnegative function $c$.

This book reveals an interesting connection between classical (Newtonian) potential theory on R2n and the theory of several complex variables on pseudoconvex domains in Cn. The authors bring together many results concerning the Robin function *L associated to the R2n Laplace operator on a pseudoconvex domain in Cn. Using the technique of variation of domains, the second author proved that, under mild regularity assumptions on the domain, -*L and log (-*L) are strictly plurisubharmonic. In addition to providing a new proof of this result, the authors discuss the asymptotics of the Robin function, the relationship between the Laplacian of the Robin function and the Bergman kernel function, and the completeness of the Kahler metric associated to log(-*L). The book is essentially self-contained and should be accessible to those with knowledge of the basic concepts of several complex variables, classical potential theory, and elementary differential geometry.