A look at such waste disposal problems as overflowing landfills and hazardous waste and possible solutions for them, primarily recycling.

Food and Farming

by John Becklake and Sue Becklake

Published 17 January 1991
Examines such recent issues surrounding food production for the world's growing population as the benefits and problems of fertilizers and pesticides, genetic engineering of crops, and overproduction.

This is part of a series which explains how our planet is being destroyed by negligence and short-sighted attitudes towards our environment. The consequences are now becoming apparent with pollution, acid rain, global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer. This book shows clearly what is happening to the environment and the results if no action is taken. It is about decision making for future generations and looks at the growth in world population, the provision of food, pollution, the ageing population and efforts to plan for the future.