Realistic Weight Control

by Jan de Vries

Published 1 April 1989
Whatever you might call it - being overweight or corpulent or carrying excess fat - one thing is certain: obesity is one of the major problems of the developed world today. It is not simply a matter of being too fat: those who are severely overweight are prone to a tremendous range of other health problems such as back pain and coronary heart disease. In Realistic Weight Control Jan de Vries clearly and sensibly explains why these problems occur and how best to avoid them. Moreover, in view of the overwhelming variety of slimming methods on the market, each claiming to be better than the last, he points out the dangers to health caused by following an inappropriate diet.

Stress and Nervous Disorders

by Jan de Vries

Published 25 April 1985
In Stress and Nervous Disorders Jan de Vries deals with one of the major problems of today's society. He discusses the issues and provides proven and practical advice based especially on a low-stress diet. Other areas covered in this highly successful and much praised book include depression, anorexia nervosa, phobias, allergies and alcoholism.

Migraine and Epilepsy

by Jan de Vries

Published November 1987
Jan de Vries, although trained as a pharmacist, turned to alternative medicine early in his career. His most influential teacher was the world-renowned Swiss doctor, Alfred Vogel. He now works in Ayrshire in one of Britain's most widely known clinics.

Neck and Back Problems

by Jan de Vries

Published 31 December 1986
In Neck and Back Problems Jan de Vries deals with many of the most common problems relating to the spine. Drawing on his own vast experience of helping patients overcome their suffering and on various case histories, this book contains practical advice for those millions who endure the agony of backache. Simple exercises and remedies are outlined, together with proven hints towards self-treatment. Slipped discs, tennis elbow, 'whiplash', bursitis and problems with vertigo are all discussed in layman's terms. Neck and Back is a veritable treasure trove of information from one of the world's leading practitioners in this field.

Multiple Sclerosis

by Jan de Vries

Published 29 August 1985

Multiple Sclerosis is recognised as a growing problem. In some Scandinavian countries, Holland, Britain and North America, the number of sufferers is rising by the day. In the UK alone, it is estimated that between 50,000 and 60,000 people suffer from this debilitating disease; in the USA figures of 350,000 are quoted. What are the causes of the problem? And what can be done about it? Could it be possible to prevent MS? When we look at the countries where there is no occurrence of MS whatsoever; the immediate answer is YES.

Jan de Vries has studied and treated Multiple Sclerosis for over 45 years. He has learned that every MS patient is different and that their problems must be treated individually. He emphasises the importance of diet and environment sufferers must build up their immune system. Even the smallest interference with that delicate mechanism, the human body, can trigger off problems out of all proportion to the cause. For example, silver mercury amalgam fillings in teeth can affect your health.

This book draws attention to a variety of factors and explains how they can be dealt with to improve the quality of life for all MS sufferers. It is a relevant and important alternative approach to the problem.

Do Miracles Exist?

by Jan de Vries

Published 23 October 1986
In this controversial book, Jan de Vries explores modern miracles as well as the 'miracle of Lourdes'. He discusses witch doctors and what he has personally witnessed in the Far East. He warns against exorcism and talks of the many 'possessed' people he has treated. He also shares with his readers some of the mysterious ways that alternative medicine has worked 'miracles' for thousands of patients.