The Helston Railway

by Chris Heaps

Published 24 May 2012
The original Helston Railway Preservation Society was formed at a meeting held in the Chy-an-Albany Hotel, St Ives, on the 18th May 2002. As the original Society was an un-incorporated association, the Helston Railway Preservation Company Limited was formed on 16 February 2006 with powers to build and run a railway. This is a special 'not for profit' company, limited by guarantee. The objective of the company is to restore to running order, and re-open as a heritage railway, as much of the old Helston Branch Line as possible. The long term aim is to re-open a three mile section of the branch line between Nancegollan and Helston Water-ma-Trout. With the kind permission of the landowner, a volunteer labour force, drawn from the Company's Supporters, started clearing the track bed at Trevarno Estate on Sunday 24th April 2005. Around a half mile section of the track bed has now been cleared. This latest volume in the series covering preserved lines is rather special as it covers a line that has gone from virtually zero to a working railway in a very short time. Chris Heaps knows the railway well having travelled on the line since childhood until closure by BR.
Chris has sourced a remarkable collection of images from the past and the contrasting present day shots show a dramatic chenge. In parts the track bed has been obliterated but we see what the scene looked like all those years ago when the railway was in full operation. Where the revivalists have set to work the sheer hard work of these enthusiasts can be seen in the recreation of past days...