Mighty Fighting Machines

by Catherine Chambers

Published 27 November 2015

In all battle arenas throughout history massive devastating engines of war have helped armies to clinch victories and preserve empires. Stand back to witness...
A warship hurl explosive Greek fire to annihilate the enemy fleet
A giant trebuchet launch boulders and boiling tar over castle ramparts
Deadly submarines armed with torpedoes hunt in wolf packs.

Guts and Glory

by Catherine Chambers

Published 27 November 2015
Great leaders and strategists from Genghis Khan and Hannibal to warrior princess Amina and Toussaint Louverture, who all rode out at the head of their troops and into the history books. These four books reveal the story of the warrior class across cultures and from earliest times, highlighting the feats, weaponry and place in history of a host of extraordinary fighters. They come alive through realistic artwork and engaging text to stimulate the imagination.

Iron and Rust

by Catherine Chambers

Published 27 November 2015
The bow and arrow, pike and longsword, Persian szabla (sabre) and Japanese war fan, and more all about the metal weaponry used by tough fighters who risked life and limb in battle. These four books reveal the story of the warrior class across cultures and from earliest times, highlighting the feats, weaponry and place in history of a host of extraordinary fighters. They come alive through realistic artwork and engaging text to stimulate the imagination.

Speed and Stealth

by Catherine Chambers

Published 27 November 2015
Aztec Eagle scouts, Japanese Ninja, shadowy Mamluks and other silent assassins and saboteurs all waged a secret, psychological war on the enemy with deadly effect. These four books reveal the story of the warrior class across cultures and from earliest times, highlighting the feats, weaponry and place in history of a host of extraordinary fighters. They come alive through realistic artwork and engaging text to stimulate the imagination.