Annie and the Aliens

by Emily Smith

Published 21 June 2001
"Annie the Spy went into action. She crept along the corridor, opened the door into James' room, and closed it softly behind her. The Spy looked round. There was James' bed. There was James' chest of drawers. There was Arthur's blow-up bed by the wall (wouldn't she love to prick it with a pin - pffffft!). There was Arthur's big blue suitcase. And there was the desk with Dad's computer on it. Right, she thought, narrowing her eyes. Let's get cracking!" Annie's brothers James and Will and their friend Arthur have a secret. And they won't let Annie in on it. Twice they bundle her out of their room but not before she's discovered they belong to a club called AJWUSS - what can it mean? Annie is determined to get the better of the boys and when she finally discovered that Arthur has made her brothers believe an alien invasion is about to happen, she uses all her ingenuity to foil Arthur's tricks.