Cuentos imprescindibles Casi al mismo título que el drama, el relato corto se ajusta al proyecto literario de Chéjov: "No he adquirido una perspectiva política, ni filosófica ni religiosa sobre la vida... tengo que limitarme a las descripciones de cómo mis personajes aman, se casan, tienen hijos, hablan y se mueren". El genio de Chéjov estalla en esas pinceladas, retazos de vida crepusculares, pesimistas, a veces irónicos y siempre lúcidos, reflejo de una realidad que comienza a disolverse envuelta en su mediocridad y falta de aliento. De los más de seiscientos relatos que escribió Chéjov, esta selección de Richard Ford, autor del brillante prólogo que la acompaña, recoge veinte, entre los que no podían faltar algunos tan necesarios como el conmovedor La dama del perrito y el asfixiante El pabellón número 6. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION Of the two hundred stories that Anton Chekhov wrote, the twenty stories that appear in this extraordinary collection were personally chosen by Richard Ford--an accomplished storyteller in his own right. Included are the familiar masterpieces--"The Kiss," "The Darling," and "The Lady with the Dog"--as well as several brilliant lesser-known tales such as "A Blunder," "Hush!," and "Champagne." These stories, ordered from 1886 to 1899, are drawn from Chekhov's most fruitful years as a short-story writer. A truly balanced selection, they exhibit the qualities that make Chekhov one of the greatest fiction writers of all time: his gift for detail, dialogue, and humor; his emotional perception and compassion; and his understanding that life's most important moments are often the most overlooked. "The reason we like Chekhov so much, now at our century's end," writes Ford in his perceptive introduction, "is because his stories from the last century's end feel so modern to us, are so much of our own time and mind." Exquisitely translated by the renowned Constance Garnett, these stories present a wonderful opportunity to introduce yourself--or become reaquainted with--an artist whose genius and influence only increase with every passing generation.