
by Morris Ginsberg

Published 1 January 1999
This volume is an English translation and commentary on the Sifra, one of the landmarks of early rabbinic scholarship, and a crucial documentary in the history of Jewish sprituality. The late Rabbi Dr. Morris Ginsberg's work is based upon his personal volume of the Mikraot Gedolot, Vilna edition, with Torat Kohanim and the commentary of the Malbim. The Hebrew text of the Sifra is also from the author's personal volume. Rabbi Ginsberg's translation and commentary cover the Sifra only through the first three chapters of Leviticus. But they serve to give readers a feel for the work and allow us to enter one of the great workshops of the rabbinic mind and gain an understanding of a formative moment in the history of Judaism. The volume was originally published by Leshon Limudim and is now being reissued.