These books are a big help to students as they plan to enter the working world. They discover the common career paths taken by graduates in their field. From assessing individual talents and skills to taking the necessary steps to land a job, every aspect of identifying and getting started in a career choice is covered: writing a resume, researching professional fields and career paths within those fields, networking, interviewing, and evaluating job offers. Students learn how to:
Explore options and select the best career path
Make a smooth transition from college to career
Conduct an effective job search
Follow through and get results
Evaluate offers, bonuses, salaries, and more
Plan for on-the-job success

Included are sample resumes and job descriptions, statistics, salary ranges, and sources for more information.

Each book in the Great Jobs for... series helps students discover new employment possibilities, assess strengths and interests, and develop a path for advancement and success in a chosen field. Ideal for those exploring which major to take in college.

Answers the question "What can I do with a major in chemistry?"

It isn't always obvious what a chemistry major can offer to the workplace. But it does offer you valuable skills and training that can be applied to a wide range of careers. Great Jobs for Chemistry Majors helps you explore these possibilities.