The author has combined his two greatest interests: Transport and Stamp Collecting and brought them together in this series of books looking at the way postage stamps have led him to increase his knowledge of our world via his interest in all forms of transport world-wide. Philately (the collecting of stamps) itself is a fascinating hobby looking at the development of postal services in all its forms, designs of stamps that have evolved the Victorian Penny-Black to today's creations, often artistic but dependant more and more on photography with greater or lesser degrees of digital manipulation.

In his quest he has covered many unusual places that have only become more accessible with the advent of cheap air travel but has still found it necessary to use his own contacts, library of related books and more recently the internet to research his subject. Like all books in this series, they been laid out as global tour starting naturally in the UK and then travelling in an easterly direction through every continent - without, it should be added, crossing the International Date Line! Readers will not find every country included but a differing selection in each volume.

Narrow Gauge Railway Stamps

by Howard Piltz

Published 15 November 2017
This, the first of four books, looks at the treatment of varying aspects of public transport with the aid of postage stamps, either issued by the postal authorities of most of the worlds nations, or some of the railway companies themselves, especially heritage operators. It has long intrigued the author as to why narrow gauge systems throughout the world have demanded a far greater attention from the public and stamp producers than railway subjects from the standard gauge lines, which make up the vast majority of the western worlds major railway systems. The conclusion he has reached is that in most cases they are considered cute a truly abominable term, which is (thankfully) gradually fading from our vocabulary, but just how the author felt on first seeing engines of the Talyllyn Railway, in mid-Wales, from the top of the station approach at Tywyns Wharf Station: tiny little kettles in sparkling, rich green and lots of brass.
The Talyllyn has the double honour of being the worlds first railway to be taken-over and operated by a preservation society in 1951, and also the first railway in the modern era to issue its own Railway Letter Service stamps, a practice that can be traced back to the very earliest of times, which allowed people in outlying areas to send letters by the railways to the nearest post office for onward transport. The Talyllyns first stamps were issued in 1957, and today the lucky collector can demand a substantial premium on the paltry issue value. From whatever origin or country, there is a huge variety of stamps covering narrow gauge railways, and usually they are attractive miniature works of art that make them very collectable. The author has not set out to cover every country or issue in these books, but to present a wide selection of those stamps that are note-worthy.

Mainline Railway Stamps

by Howard Piltz

Published 30 November 2018

Trams and Buses on Stamps

by Howard Piltz

Published 30 June 2021
In this, the fourth edition of the Transport Philately series the author looks at the treatment of transport using roads rather than rail or air. There have been some particularly attractive and colourful issues of stamps over the years ranging from a trio of beautifully presented illustrations of Israel's early buses to the well-known issue of double-deck buses produced by the Royal Mail in 2001, and who incidentally have seen the commercial opportunity by accompanying many issues with other paraphernalia, including a gentleman's tie featuring many of the bus illustrations. A well-known colleague in the Public Transport world still wears his!

Buses certainly are not as popular in the world of stamps as possibly aviation or wild-life, and trolleybuses even less so but the author has succeeded in finding a few, some of which are illustrated. Tramways, on the other hand, are a blessing to any collector with selections many and varied, some featuring trams from the beginning of the 20th century for their heritage interest to others providing an outlet of national or local pride at the inauguration of today's systems in developed and developing countries across the world.

Never a year goes by without a new issue appearing somewhere in the world and the author likes to keep an eye on several sources of information including regular publications from the renowned Stanley Gibbons organisation, the fount of all knowledge concerning philately, as well as other equally valuable contemporary publishers. Then there are regular stamp fairs held throughout the UK and the world where dealers compete for your business, and at some of the bigger occasions - the postal authorities themselves. On your computer are the various internet sites and auction platforms where there can often be some real surprises and bargains to be found.