Harm for the Holidays

by Donn Cortez

Published 28 November 2006
Christmas in Miami the city is wrapped in its own unique festive cheer, and countless children breathlessly await the arrival of Santa Claus. Except this year there are hundreds of Santas. Miami has been invaded by the Red Menace. An annual gathering of hundreds of red-suited, jolly old fat men and women swarm over the city, comical and annoying, until one of them turns up dead.

In what should be a time of goodwill to all the Miami-Dade Crime Lab finds that what appears to be the simplest of crimes hides darker motives. Who would want to kill Santa? Who would go to such lengths to conceal the identity of a victim that they would decapitate him and remove both his hands? And how does a simple convenience store robbery suddenly spiral into an international incident of kidnapping and murder?


by Donn Cortez

Published 1 August 2006
The Miami Dade Crime Lab is called in to examine the body of a young woman who has washed ashore on an island in Florida Bay. Lieutenant Horatio Caine is quick to identify the probable murder weapon: a shark dart used by the navy as part of an experimental program to kill enemy divers. However, during the autopsy, Doctor Alexx Woods finds that the true cause of death was drowning; the dart was used postmortem.

When another mangled body of a woman is discovered, Caine begins to suspect the worst. The unusual and violent nature of the crimes bears all the hallmarks of an organized serial killer -- sexual predation, a great deal of preparation and a disturbingly distorted worldview. Now, the lieutenant and his team must race to piece together all the clues to stop the murderer before they can strike again.

A teenager is found dead in his motel room, the cause of death: millipede poison...Now crime scene investigator Gil Grissom must aid CSI's Nick Stokes and Riley Adams against a serial killer whose knowledge of entomology rivals his own -- a brutal murderer who is not only using insects as the tools of destruction, but actually modeling the attacks after their behavior.... In the meantime, CSIs Catherine Willows and Greg Sanders must investigate a bizarre death, where the victim had gotten mixed up with two very different groups of people -- one involved in using and dealing crystal meth, the other an avant-garde group of artists -- a collision of subcultures where everyone is a suspect and nothing is as it seems....