Economic Geography

by David Flint

Published December 1990
This is one in a three book series, for students studying for their GCSE examinations. Each of the books is based on one major syllabus area of the GYSL/Avery Hill syllabus and covers both core and related option modules. The books contain a variety of textual information and stimulus material and also present case studies, accompanied by a world map showing the location of each of these studies. Each book has two role-play exercises to provide open-ended work, graded questions and revision and test sections to provide students with the explanations and resource material they need to understand fundamental concepts and make reasoned judgements on current issues. Suggestions for the required fieldwork topics and Ordnance Survey map extracts at a variety of scales are also included. The books are aimed principally at the MEG/Welsh Board Avaery Hill GCSE syllabuses and are also suitable for Avery Hill derivatives.