Armies in Europe

by John Gooch

Published 30 September 2015

This book, originally published in 1980, is a study of the nature and purposes of peace-time military organization in Europe, and of the characteristics and outcome of the major wars fought during these years. It charts the rise of mass armies and the role of conscription as a socializing agent and a military instrument, as well as discussing the growing involvement of society in war both as agent and target of military activity, the mounting effort required of a society in order to ahcieve victory, culminating in the ‘Total War’ of 1939-45. Among other subjects explored are the development of war economies, the genesis and significance of war aims, the importance of social cohesion in modern war and the impact of technology.

The Plans of War

by John Gooch

Published August 1974

This book’s contribution to the discussion on the origin’s of the First World War is a pioneering study of both the British General Staff and the evolution of military strategy in the period immediately prior to the war. It describes the development of the General Staff, Britain’s agency for strategic planning, and goes on to give an account of its role in devising strategy. Problems are examined as they arose at grass-roots level in the War Office and progressed upward towards the Cabinet. The complex cross-currents involving the Admiralty, Foreign Office, Treasury and individuals from Edward VII downwards are charted. The account covers British military policy up to 1916, interpreting the Gallipoli campaign and explanation for its failure.