Model building has been the backbone of modern economic theory over the last 25 years, and the major methodological task for each model builder has been to establish the testability of each model developed. Too often, though, seemingly innocent modelling assumptions can make a model virtually impossible to test, even under ideal conditions, yet few economic theorists have examined the methodological requirements and problems of assuring testability in economics. Lawrence Boland considers how economists have applied Popper's views on the need for error-detection and testability theories in science. The methodological debates these theories have inspired are related to wider debates on empiricism and the truth status of models in the natural and social sciences. He concludes by arguing that the practice of model building in economics reflects the methodological prescriptions of Samuelson more than the falsification theory usually attributed to Popper. This book should be of interest to lecturers and students of economics.

First published in 1986, this title argues that the successful development of a new microeconomics requires a deeper understanding of methodological individualism and its role in stability analysis.

Lawrence Boland expounds a critique of neoclassical models, which, he contends, often fail to include an explicit stability analysis. He demonstrates that much of the sophisticated theoretical literature over the past thirty years can be understood as ad hoc attempts to overcome the deficiencies of such models in the absence of cogent stability analyses. In conclusion, he explains the need to update the theory taught at universities, and to develop a truly individualist version of microeconomics that is consistent with the methodological principles of major neoclassical models.

An important contribution to economic methodology, this work is a highly valuable resource for all students and teachers of economics at the undergraduate level.