The "Landscapes" series of countryside guides focuses on the most popular islands visited by British holidaymakers. The books are not standard guides - they aim to tempt the visitor away from the tourist centres and out into the countryside, exploring by private or public transport, or on foot. This is for anyone staying in Western Crete and recommends 8 car tours, 35 long and short walks and 14 picnic suggestions.

Eastern Crete

by Jonnie Godfrey and Elizabeth Karslake

Published 15 April 2011
Crete is a very large island, and people tend to stay either in the west or the east. This book describes the eastern part, but includes car tours venturing into the west, as well as a description of the famous Samaria Gorge walk in the west of the island, a popular day excursion by coach. With the success in 2007 of Victoria Hislop's book, "The Island", Eastern Crete is bound to see more tourists from 2008 onwards. Whether you follow one of the 21 walks or the 11 car tours in the book, the mountains will be your constant companions, changing colour and mood from dawn to dusk, as you move through them, round them and over them.You cannot fail to feel their dramatic attraction. The stunning colours and heady scent of flowers and herbs, tucked into rough ground or splashed across a hillside, the warm-sounding buzz of hovering bees, and the massed band of a thousand cicadas will all leave a lasting impression the 'special effects' of the total scene. A unique on-line update service keeps users abreast of any route changes since publication of the book. "The Landscapes Series" (with over 50 destinations) has been dubbed 'the blue Bibles' by the "Sunday Times".

Western Crete

by Jonnie Godfrey

Published 15 April 2008