• This Revision Guide delivers hassle-free exam preparation, covering one topic per page and avoiding lengthy set up time.
  • Target grades on the page allow you to progress at the right speed.
  • Exam Alerts highlight common pitfalls and misconceptions in exam questions.
  • With one-to-one page correspondence between this Guide and the companion Workbook, this hugely popular Revision series offers the best value available for Key Stage 4 students.

Revision Guide

Ideal for classroom or independent study, this Revision Guide is for those students studying Edexcel GCSE Business Units 1, 3 and 5. Written with students in mind, using an informal voice that talks directly to them without patronising. Revision resources that are priced to meet both your budget and your students. ResultsPlus data delivers insightful exam experience and guidance on the common pitfalls and misconceptions. The one topic-per-page format provides hassle-free revision for students with no lengthy set-up time and no complex confusing revision concepts. Target grades on the page allow students to progress at a speed that is right for them. For exam practice, Revision Workbooks are available that provide plenty of practice in 3 speeds: guided practice questions, unguided practice questions and practice exam papers.


Provides an alternative learning experience for those students who prefer revising online. Keeps students' notes in a secure place, so there's no fear of losing them. Provides interaction and engagement as students flick through the online pages. Students can scribble and save sticky notes on the pages for personalisation and long-lasting effect.

Designed for exam practice, this is for those students studying Edexcel GCSE Business Units 1, 3 and 5.

The Revision Workbooks provide plenty of practice in 3 speeds: guided practice questions, unguided practice questions and practice exam papers. Revision resources that are priced to meet both your budget and your students. ResultsPlus data delivers insightful exam experience and guidance on the common pitfalls and misconceptions. The one topic-per-page format provides hassle-free revision for students with no lengthy set-up time and no complex confusing revision concepts. Target grades on the page allow students to progress at a speed that is right for them. Ideal for classroom or independent study, Revision Guides are available that are written with students in mind, using an informal voice that talks directly to them without patronising. ActiveBook Provides an alternative learning experience for those students who prefer revising online. Keeps students' notes in a secure place, so there's no fear of losing them. Provides interaction and engagement as students flick through the online pages. Students can scribble and save sticky notes on the pages for personalisation and long-lasting effect.

  • This Revision Workbook delivers hassle-free question practice, covering one topic per page and avoiding lengthy set up time.
  • Build your confidence with guided practice questions, before moving onto unguided questions and practice exam papers.
  • Target grades on the page allow you to progress at the right speed.
  • Exam Alerts highlight common pitfalls and misconceptions in exam questions.
  • With one-to-one page correspondence between this Workbook and the companion Guide, this hugely popular Revision series offers the best value available for Key Stage 4 students.

Revise smart and save!

Revise smart and save!