Today's hottest investing trend. More than ever, people want their money investments to reflect their personal or political leanings. But how do they find out which companies are "socially responsible?" Do these "green" investments perform as well as traditional investments? How can they protect themselves from mutual funds or 401Ks that are managed without the future in mind? All these questions and more are answered by an international expert who founded the SRI World Group, one of the largest information services on SRI. Includes detailed information about SRI, its history and where it's headed Explains the criteria used to evaluate a company's level of social responsibility Compares performance of SRI to traditional investments

The smart way to succeed in electronic trading. There is money to be made in active electronic trading, if investors know the rules of the game and the right investing strategies. This guide includes all the information nonprofessional traders need to be successful at day trading stocks in today s market, with tips and up-to-the-minute information on the newest technologies, the amazing opportunities in both American and international markets, and strategies for how to profit from them. Most current day trading guide available Up-to-date screen captures of dozens of actual trading scenarios The newest information sites and technologies Full glossary of trading terms

The Complete Idiot's GuideĀ® to Stock Investing Fast-Track gives readers exactly what they need to know in order to confidently invest in stocks on their own. Readers won't get bogged down with non-essential information, but will instead learn the critical fundamentals for picking and valuing stocks and intelligently managing a portfolio for long-term success. Readers learn how to evaluate various classes of stocks, how to improve their chances of success based on their personal level of risk, how to make a purchase, when to invest, and how to minimize their risk along the way. Many investing books give readers a lot of non-essential information; The Complete Idiot's GuideĀ® to Stock Investing Fast-Track gives readers only the essentials so they can get moving and start investing right away.