Exile's Return

by Gayle Greeno

Published 1 May 1995
The war is over between the neighboring realms of Canderis and Marchmont. But another and perhaps far deadlier battle still rages on. The discovery that Marchmont is home to the Resonants—men and women gifted with the ability to read and control the minds of others—has badly shaken the people of Canderis. For while they value their own Seekers—humans who empathically bond with the catlike ghatti to read truth—they are deathly afraid of the rogue Resonants known as Gleaners. And their fears are well-founded, for one faction of Gleaners has for years preyed upon the innocent and defenseless, transforming those around them into mindless, soulless slaves.
And even as Seeker Jenret under takes a mission to find the Resonants of Canderis and bring them to safety, Seeker Doyce is about to embark on a far different path—a ghatti-led journey into the past. For as a new vigilantes’ reign of terror threatens the lives of Seekers and Resonants alike, the secrets of that long-ago time when the first Seeker-ghatti Bond was formed may hold the only hope for the future…

The Mindspeaker's Call

by Gayle Greeno

Published 27 August 1998

Finders Seekers

by Gayle Greeno

Published 1 May 1993
Their technological resources destroyed, a colonizing expedition from Earth has been stranded on the world of Methuen for over two hundred years. Their continued survival is largely due to the organization of healers known as the Eumedicos and to the Seekers Veritas, a unique group composed of pairs of Bondmates, one human and one ghatti—a telepathic catlike being native to Methuen who bonds with a specific human for life. These Bondmates travel from town to town, settling disputes by truth-reading the minds and emotions of plaintiffs and defendants. While most people respect the Seekers, there are those who fear the ghatti powers. And now someone has begun attacking Seeker pairs.

What no one knows is that this destroyer has targeted one specific pair of Bondmates as special victims—the woman Doyce and the ghatta Khar'pern. For the key to defeating this deadly foe is locked away in Doyce's mind behind barriers even her ghattas has never been able to break down.