Book 64

Celebrating the work of a renowned mathematician, it is our pleasure to present this volume containing the proceedings of the conference "Nonlinear Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A Special Tribute to the Work of Herbert Amann", held in Zurich, June 28-30, 2004. Herbert Amann had a signi?cant and decisive impact in developing N- linear Analysis and one goal of this conference was to re?ect his broad scienti?c interest. It is our hope that this collection of papers gives the reader some idea of the subjects in which Herbert Amann had and still has a deep in?uence. Of particular importance are ?uid dynamics, reaction-di?usion systems, bifurcation theory,maximalregularity,evolutionequations,andthe theory offunction spaces. The organizers thank the following institutions for provided support for the conference: * Swiss National Foundation * Z.. urcher Hochschulstiftung * Z.. urcher Universit. atsverein * Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakult. at (MNF). Finally,itisourpleasuretothankallcontributors,referees,andBirkh. auserVerlag, particularly T. Hemp?ing for their help and cooperation in making possible this volume.