Teach Yourself Humanism

by Mark Vernon

Published 29 August 2008
What do Plato, Kant, Marx, Nietzsche, Einstein and Dawkins have in common? They have all held beliefs that have been called humanist. Whether you want to find out more about the history and development of humanism, are studying it at A-level or university, or are aware of its increasing prominence in our society today and want to investigate it further, Teach Yourself Humanism is a comprehensive guide to this important and diverse philosophy. Generally seeking to define itself not as a negative response to religion but as a practical and ethical way of life focusing on common human needs and seeking rational ways of solving human problems, this book will delve into the history and development of humanist thought and address the many questions that surround humanism today. Why is humanism important? Is it possible to 'believe' in humanism after Auschwitz? What implications does humanist thought have on our society as a whole and the way in which it is structured? How does humanism deal with birth, marriage and death? Addressing all of these key questions, Teach Yourself Humanism is a fascinating read.

Understand Humanism

by Mark Vernon

Published 13 October 2010