Robin Hood

by Paul D Storrie and Thomas Yeates

Published 11 May 2004

Yu the Great

by Paul D Storrie and Sandy Carruthers

Published 1 December 2006

William Tell

by Paul D Storrie

Published 1 January 2008
Retelling, in graphic form, of the legend of William Tell, who was given the choice of shooting an apple off his son's head, or dying along with his son.


by Paul D Storrie

Published 1 September 2006
The son of Zeus, king of the gods, and a mortal mother, Hercules faces the wrath of Zeus's wife Hera, who resents her illegitimate stepson and vows to bring him misery. She tricks Hercules into performing a series of twelve seemingly impossible labors. Is Hercules strong enough to foil her scheme? In comic book format.

Isis y Osiris

by Jeff Limke and David Witt

Published 1 January 2008