Mrs Vilakazi buys a new TV. Mr Mokwena helps her take it to her house in his taxi. Raj helps her set up the TV. At the same time, Mr Patel buys a generator. The twins decide to invite many people from the neighbourhood to watch the soccer match on their new TV the next day. They also invite the people who helped them with the TV; Mr Mokwena and Raj. While everyone is watching the soccer match, the electricity goes off. Mr Patel invites everyone to watch the rest of the match at his shop, where he connects the TV to his generator.

My Mother

by Daphne Paizee

Published 26 February 2009
This story is about a young girl remembering her mother who died of AIDS. The girl mentions all the good memories that she has of her mother: the way everyone knew her for her kindness, what a good actress she was, the good work she did for the community, the way she taught her children to work hard, how she sang in the church choir, the good food she cooked and the mess she made when she cooked, and the way she disciplined and complimented her children.

The Jealous Brother

by Dora Sintu and Daphne Paizee

Published 26 February 2009
The story is about a family. When mom comes home with a new baby, the two older brothers and sister become jealous, because they do not get much attention. They start to behave badly towards the baby. The parents decide to talk about this as a family and reassure the three older children that they love them all the same, but need to give the baby more attention because he cannot look after himself.