Journey To Ixtlan

by Carlos Castaneda

Published 10 May 1973
In Journey to Ixtlan, Carlos Castaneda introduces readers to this new approach for the first time and explores, as he comes to experience it himself, his own final voyage into the teachings of don Juan, sharing with us what it is like to truly "stop the world" and perceive reality on his own terms.

Originally drawn to Yaqui Indian spiritual leader don Juan Matus for his knowledge of mind-altering plants, bestselling author Carlos Castaneda immersed himself in the sorcerer's magical world entirely. Ten years after his first encounter with the shaman, Castaneda examines his field notes and comes to understand what don Juan knew all along-that these plants are merely a means to understanding the alternative realities that one cannot fully embrace on one's own.

A Separate Reality

by Carlos Castaneda

Published 7 May 1971
This is the second in the Don Juan series, in which the author is able to enter and see the sorcerer's world with the aid of hallucinogenic drugs, a strong will and courage. The author's other books include The Teachings of Don Juan and The Quest for Ixtlan.

Second Ring of Power

by Carlos Castaneda

Published 15 January 1978

Back from the abyss, Castaneda encounter his greatest test on the journey towards impeccability and freedom: to outwit and overpower the sorcery of Dona Soledad, herself transformed from a defeated and meaningless life to a warrior, a hunter and a stalker of power.

Now the combat will begin. Now the journey will continue. Till the last danger is faced...the final paradox embraced.

Tales of Power

by Carlos Castaneda

Published 1 May 1975
Don Juan concludes the instruction of Castaneda with his most powerful and mysterious lesson in the sorcerer's art-a dazzling series of visions that are at once an initiation and a deeply moving farewell.

Eagle's Gift

by Carlos Castaneda

Published 11 May 1981