Sustainable Innovation

by Lisbeth Borbye

Published 26 May 2011
Many of us wish we could design inventions and make decisions that were optimal and sustainable, but we do not know how to begin the approach. This book offers a guide to dramatically improve the quality of innovation and solution-making through the respectful use of existing and abundant, but often-ignored, resources. Sustainable innovation is about creative combination of ideas, materials, methods, and people, courage to derive value from opposition and diversity, integrative intelligence, virtuous planning, minimal consumption of resources, and definition of alternative plans. Using the method successfully requires that we are truly interested in the common good of humankind, that we care about our environment, and that we take time to think carefully about consequences before we act, invent, or make decisions. It is a call for a much-needed collaboration between people of different backgrounds, skills, and opinions with the intent to preserve individual and local integrity and adopt a win-win mindset. Try it, and partake in its positive and long-lasting effects!

Key Features: Description of sustainable innovation and the untapped innovation potential; Sustainable innovation requirements; Sustainable innovation attitudes; Step-by-step guide to sustainable innovation; Application to 21st century challenges; A global win-win scenario.

Out of the Comfort Zone

by Lisbeth Borbye

Published 26 January 2010
Success in careers outside the university setting depends on an individual's capacity to master professional skills and respond appropriately to dynamic situations with flexibility, adaptation, and innovative thinking. This book describes a simple, common sense method of how to include professional skills training in any curricula without compromising academic rigor. It relies on introduction of unanticipated yet manageable crises simulating scenarios commonly experienced in the workplace. The method promises to inspire both students and their teachers to conquer new territory outside their comfort zones. Examples include how to respond to a demand for innovation and teamwork, a lay-off, a re-organization, or switching jobs and projects. These situations are bound to occur for most people and in most jobs they often create stress and, perhaps, despair. Preparing and practicing a mindful and healthy response is beneficial, and now this process can be performed in the classroom, while it serves as a platform for character building prior to unexpected real-life events.

Key Features:
  • Description of the importance of, incentives for, and rewards of exiting the comfort zone
  • Principles for teaching and learning professional skills
  • Student anecdotes and reflection
  • Rubric entries and assessment of learning