Opportunities In!
4 total works
This is the most comprehensive career book series available, and it's still growing. Each book offers essential information for job seekers on getting started, obtaining training, education, advancement, salaries, job responsibilities-- and more. Canadian information is included wherever appropriate.
This is the world's most comprehensive career book series, covering a range of professions from accounting to zookeeping, and encompassing traditional and cutting-edge careers. Each book offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers within each field, and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and professional and Internet resources.
Discusses the education and training needed for careers in the field of metalworking and examines job possibilities such as sheet-metal working, welding, and jewelry making.
This title is part of the "Opportunities In..." career books series. Comprehensive information on the field of technical sales provides readers with everything they need to make an informed career choice. They will find out what life is like on the job, what to expect in terms of compensation, training requirements and places to go for more information. Highly focused content allows readers an in-depth introduction to this specialized field.