Automotive Engine Performance

by Don Knowles

Published 6 January 1995
Classroom Manual & Shop Manual completely cross-referenced with theory in Classroom Manual and hands-on in Shop Manual.

Complete Coverage of Automobile Steering and Suspension Systems. Outlined according to ASE/NATEF tasks. CM/SM completed cross-referenced with theory in CM and hands-on shop approach.

This text provides an in-depth approach to successful preparation for all eight ASE Medium/Heavy Duty Truck tests. Each of the eight truck tests has a corresponding chapter in the text that contains all of the tasks included in the ASE area, ASE-style questions to test the learner's knowledge of each task, and hints to help solve the questions. Each chapter begins with a pretest to provide the reader with an indication of the amount of study required to pass the ASE test. Answers and the rationale for the answers are provided at the end of each chapter. As in ASE tests, some questions are accompanied by illustrations. The text includes a comprehensive glossary to assist the learner in understanding difficult terms.