Book 764

Wedding Dresses

by Shelley Tobin

Published 10 January 2019
The traditional white wedding dress is the quintessential emblem of British marriage and the symbolic centre of this most special of days. But it has not always been the largely classless symbol it is today, and this book opens a fascinating window onto the dresses' real story, whether they were part of the grand ceremonies commemorating royal and aristocratic unions or the humble country weddings of the commonfolk. Here, costume expert Shelley Tobin looks at Queen Victoria's simple white dress and lace of 1840, the crinoline revival of the 1950s, our modern designer frocks, and everything in between, including the myriad accoutrements such as the trousseau and flowers. She also sheds intriguing light on the reasons why women have not worn a white dress, including poverty, war-time rationing and divergent traditions.