Research in Architectural Engineering
1 total work
v. 7
Cardboard in Architecture
Published 1 January 2008
The Department of Building Technology at the Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft is studying and developing cardboard as a potential building material on a broad, systematic and where possible comprehensive basis. The guiding research question is: "How can cardboard be used in both architectural and structural terms as a fully fledged building material, making use of the material-specific properties?" An exploratory phase from 2003 to 2005 - including an outdoor pilot structure (multi-shed), a pilot pavilion accommodating, an exhibition, workshops on resistance to fire and to damp, a first patent (KCPK), the design of an interior wall (Besin) and the publication of this book - was concluded by an international symposium attended by both the paper industry and the building industry. This publication comprises the report on that symposium.