Book 52

Destined to become one of the most influential postwar armoured cars, the V100 Commando was developed by the Cadillac Gage Company in 1962 as a private venture and the first prototype was completed in the same year. It was designed as a multi-purpose vehicle and could function as an 11-man personnel carrier, reconnaissance vehicle, convoy escort, command or patrol car and a riot vehicle. The V100 was tested and evaluated in Vietnam before full-scale production began in 1964. It saw widespread use in Vietnam by both US and South Vietnamese forces. This title describes the design, development and operational use of the V100 Commando, including its continued deployment around the world.

Book 85

Entering service in the early 1960's, the M60 tank was in production for 23 years and formed the backbone of US Army and Marine armoured units during the Cold War. Over 15,000 were built in four basic models: the M60, M60A1, M60A2, and the M60A3. At its peak the US Army used over 8,887 tanks of this type, with reductions starting in 1990 and continuing through the 1990s. At the time of Desert Shield and later Desert Storm, the M60 had been phased out of US Army service but still served with the US Marine armoured units. US Marine M60's participated in the ground offensive and entered Kuwait. This book explores the design and operation of such a widely-used vehicle.