Lawful Pursuit

by Michael Underwood

Published 6 October 1992

Six men have failed to appear in a West End court, so it's time for Scotland Yard to make a few undercover enquiries. They enlist the help of Detective-Constable Cordari, who leads them to a mysterious organisation smuggling criminals out of the country.

There ensues a relentless chase that moves to Algeria and back to London. In the meantime, Cordari has vanished in the same horribly mysterious way as others before him.

'A plot that grows to grim and sinister proportions. An ingenious story with plenty of excitement' Manchester Evening News

False Witness

by Michael Underwood

Published 4 December 1991

It is unfortunate that Jeremy Harper was the one to stumble upon the victim of an armed robbery. A young barrister, he is more used to holding court than being a witness. He also finds himself curiously linked to the man in the dock.

It is a trial with deep undercurrents, and one that dramatically comes to a head when a strangled body is found in the town hall.

Enter Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton of Scotland Yard, who will not rest until the final clue falls into place ...

Adam's Case

by Michael Underwood

Published 2 November 1992

Adam Cape - a young barrister - prosecutes a case of assault at the Old Bailey. On the face of it, it's a straightforward trial but its aftermath brings him uncomfortably close to death and Adam is unable to free himself from a murder that results.

With the best of motives, and the most unprofessional behavior, he becomes a bane to police; lands in hospital; is on hand when a bank robbery is averted - and, remarkably, bumbles into the truth of the case.

Murder Made Absolute

by Michael Underwood

Published 18 March 1975

A crime-thriller that strikes the heart of the legal world.

QC Christopher Henham is poisoned during the hearing of a divorce case. His wife, her son and ex-husband, not to mention a High Court judge, his wife and a secretary all come under suspicion.

Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton takes charge of the investigation. What is the truth behind Mrs Henham's motor accident? Who doctored her husband's cough sweets? But, before he can solve the case, another murder is committed.

Murder on Trial

by Michael Underwood

Published 18 October 1975

'Her name is Maisie Jenks and that's her father with her. They live up in St. John's Wood way, and she knows who the murderer is ...'

William Tarrant is on trial for the murder of a police constable. Before he can give evidence in his own defence, however, he is shot in Court 1 of the Old Bailey.

In his debut case, Detective-Inspector Simon Manton has to solve the puzzle of a missing juror, a nervous warder, and a girl, Maisie, who screams just before the deadly shot is fired ...

Girl Found Dead

by Michael Underwood

Published 8 November 1988

'Her scarf had been knotted tightly around her neck and it was obvious she had been killed with great determination ...'

Susan Andrews has been murdered and her body found near a disused airfield. The case is now in the hands of Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton, but Susan's father, a former detective-inspector, decides to investigate himself.

Important questions soon emerge - what part has a philandering salesman with a scratched cheek, or the dreamy undergraduate son of the local gentry played in Susan's final hours? And, how much evidence must you have against a suspect before you can charge them with murder?

The Crime of Colin Wise

by Michael Underwood

Published 17 September 1979

The crime is murder - cold blooded, pre-meditated and motivated by sheer greed.

Colin Wise, a television repair man, is a well-mannered youngster. Among the homes he visits is that of Geoffrey Goodwin, whom he befriends.

And while Goodwin is preparing for an extended business trip to Australia, Colin Wise is also making plans: plans to ensure Goodwin will not be seen again, and will never be missed ...

Death on Remand

by Michael Underwood

Published 3 October 1989

A whodunnit in the best blood-tingling tradition, which keeps the reader gasping and guessing till the last page.

Although Julian Prentice is a small-time crook, his theft of a car hardly seems to warrant someone's very deliberate attempt to kill him on the day he is released from prison.

The final roll-call of suspects comes to six, with six apparently foolproof alibis. Yet someone is lying. It falls to Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton to work out who ...

Cause of Death

by Michael Underwood

Published 13 October 1987

When Mrs Sophie Easterberg is found dead on her bedroom floor in the picturesque village of Five Meadows, it is apparent she has been murdered.

The obvious suspect is Dave Lucas, an ex-borstal boy recently employed by her, who has since disappeared.

Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton of Scotland Yard is despatched to take charge of the case. He soon tracks Lucas down. But is he guilty? And, even if he is, would a jury convict him?

Arm of the Law

by Michael Underwood

Published 1 June 1992

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die ...

It's the carnival motto for Trinidad's most colourful celebrations of the year. But, while thousands enjoy themselves in uninhibited eating, drinking and love-making, Detective-Superintendent Simon Manton is on the hunt for a dangerous killer.

He has struck twice, and he will strike again. For one unlucky person the carnival motto is about to become a sinister reality.