Discovering S.
2 primary works • 4 total works
Book 1
Discovering British Military Badges and Buttons
by Robert Wilkinson-Latham
Published 1 December 2005
This book examines the development of the various styles of military head-dress badge from 1751, when the use of private crests and badges was forbidden, to the introduction of 'cap badges' in 1894. From that date, every style of badge for each regiment of the regular Army is describes or illustrated. Buttons are dealt with from the first order to number buttins in 1767, through the era of numbered buttons, to the newly designed buttons adopted in 1881, bearing a regimental badge. The continuing story of both badges and buttons reflects subsequent reorganisations of the Army and is brought up to the present day with the new badges designed for the brigade system of 1958, the large regiments of the 1970s and the radical Army reorganisations and amalgamations since 1990.
Book 148
Discovering British Military Badges and Buttons
by Robert Wilkinson-Latham
Published 25 January 1973
Artillery has been an important part of the armament of the British and European armies since the fourteenth century. This book describes the development of artillery from the primitive 'pot-de-fer' of 1326 and other early cannons to the larger firing equipment of the First World War. Covering a wide range of artillery such as field, horse, mountain, coastal and naval, plus additional advice on model making, "Discovering Artillery" provides a fascinating survey of a significant aspect of military history.