Texas Glory

by Joan Elliott Pickart

Published 19 December 1997


Glory Carson couldn't believe she'd actually agreed to sexy Texan Bram Bishop's unorthodox proposition. For two weeks she would "act" as Bram's wife so the determined wanna-be-groom could learn the husband ropes and lasso himself a real bride. Glory herself had no intention of ever getting married.

As a marriage counselor, she was only in this ruse for its research value - certainly not because she found the blue-eyed, blue-collar Bram husband material. And although she thought she'd conveyed this loud and clear, she never counted on Bram's love of a challenge!

FAMILY MEN Tux, Bram, Blue and Gib are four unforgettable men with love as endless as the Texas sky, just waiting for women special enough to win their hearts!

Texas Dawn

by Joan Elliott Pickart

Published 24 October 1997