Book 4

With over 4000 colour photographs, this atlas represents 1828 taxa and includes the wild plants of the Netherlands, the adventitious plants and the cultivated plants that have gone wild. The seed atlas presents a unique picture of the variation and the characteristics of the seeds and fruits of the Dutch flora, and is designed to be a tool to identify seeds and fruits. Because the seeds and fruits of many plants have clearly visible diagnostic characteristics, the seed atlas can also be used to identify seed-bearing plants via their ripe seeds and fruits. The photographs in the book are arranged in accordance with the fully revised 23rd edition of 'Heukels Flora van Nederland', following new insights of phylogenetic classification of the angiosperms (APG II).The introduction is in both English and Dutch, and at the back of the book are indexes of both the Dutch and the scientific plant names. The seed atlas will be of use to ecologists, plant taxonomists, palaeobotanists and amateur florists in the Netherlands as well as abroad.Purchase of the atlas gives you the right to access the website, which is managed by the Library of the University of Groningen. For additional information, please see p. IV, opposite the Table of contents.

Book 17

The third part of the Digital Plant Atlas presents illustrations of subfossil remains of plants with economic value. These plant remains mainly derive from excavations in the Old World (Europe, Western Asia and North Africa) that the Deutsches Archaologisches Institut (DAI, Berlin) and the Groningen Institute of Archaeology (GIA) have conducted or participated in. Plant material is usually very perishable, but can nevertheless be preserved in archaeological sites if the biological decay of the material is blocked. Many plant remains are discovered during excavations in carbonized form, where despite having been in contact with fire, they have not been completely reduced to ash. Extremely dry climatic conditions, like those in Egypt, can also preserve plant material in a completely dessicated condition. Most of the economically valuable plants illustrated here have been carbonized or desiccated. So this atlas links up very well with the Digital Atlas of Economic Plants.Like the other atlasses, this atlas is a combination of a book and a website.The Book:Just as in part two of the series, this part will not only include illustrations of seeds and fruits, but also of other plant parts. The resulting variety in seed and fruit forms will be illustrated by examples from different excavations. To support their identification and determination, also pictures of recent plants and relevant plant parts have been included.The Website: To supplement the photographs, the website will also include morphometric measurements of the subfossil seeds and fruits. These measurements can be compared with own measurements of the plant taxa in question.Summary: Plant families: 56 Plant species (Taxa): 191 Photographs: 773 photographs of subfossil plant parts, 1137 photographs of recent plants and plant parts Languages: English and 15 indices (scientific plant name, pharmaceutical plant name, English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Arab, Arab in transliteration, Turkish, Chinese, Pinyin (Chinese in transliteration), Hindi, Sanskrit, and Malayalam) Purchase of the book grants access to the protected parts of the websites of the project.

Book 19

Plant palaeoecologists use data from plant fossils and plant subfossils to reconstruct ecosystems of the past. This book deals with the study of subfossil plant material retrieved from archaeological excavations and cores dated to the Late Glacial and Holocene. One of the main objectives of this book is to describe the processes that underlie the formation of the archaeobotanical archive and the ultimate composition of the archaeobotanical records, being the data that are sampled and identified from this immense archive. Our understanding of these processes benefits from a knowledge of plant ecology and traditional agricultural practices and food processing. This handbook summarizes the basic ecological principles that relate to the reconstruction of former vegetations and of agricultural practices in particular. We hope this book will help palaeobotanists, environmental archaeologists, and colleagues from related disciplines optimize inferences based on what we could term old-style archaeobotany. And we hope that our observations will serve as an eye-opener and improve future research, not only as it is practised in our laboratories, but also as it is practised in the field.

Book 22

Het op naam brengen van individuele zaden en vruchten van wilde planten en cultuurplanten is niet altijd eenvoudig. Specialistische literatuur en vergelijkingscollecties kunnen uitkomst bieden. Weten waar te beginnen met lezen en vergelijken scheelt een hoop tijd. Om deze zoektocht te vergemakkelijken, is dit handboek geschreven. Het beschrijft per plantenfamilie de bloei- en vruchtwijzen, de morfologie van zaden en vruchten (met speciale aandacht voor vruchttypologie), de verspreidingseenheden (diasporen) en het eventueel voorkomen van heterocarpie en zaaddimorfie. Het boek is rijk geillustreerd met kleurenfoto's van bloeiwijzen, vruchtwijzen, zaden en vruchten. Bij elke plantenfamilie is een kleine zadenatlas toegevoegd die de variatie in zaad- en vruchtvormen in beeld brengt.

Book 30

This atlas is intended as a resource, not just for archaeobotanists hoping to reconstruct past foodways, but also for other archaeologists, palaeoecologists, ethnographers, and agricultural historians. Documenting an era of actual rural community practices in relation to local land use, it also provides unique material for rural sociologists, landscape ecologists, and agricultural technologists. The Digital atlas of traditional agricultural practices and food processing documents the various processes involved in the production of food-from working the fields through to processing the crops for food, fodder, and other purposes. The atlas aims to define and describe these various processes unambiguously by using a standardized vocabulary and by explicitly taking into account the intention behind each process. Illustrated with more than 3,000 photographs and numerous films documenting 20 years of field observation in the Mediterranean area, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent, the atlas also includes detailed case studies of the practices and processes involving grapes, olives, date palms, barley, and wheat. Many of these processes are part of the intangible cultural heritage of agriculture that is now rapidly disappearing. The books contain full colour photographs as well as indexes on plant name and subject. The website includes both photographs and films, which can be examined in more detail using the site's extensive search tools.

Book 33

Recent discussions about food safety and an awareness of vanishing traditions have resulted in an increasing interest in traditional foods and food heritage. The Digital atlas of traditional food made from cereals and milk explores the traditional food products that could have been made by transitional hunter-gatherers and the early farmers in south-west Asia by examining the traditional foods still being made today.

The author has sampled traditional foods throughout south-west Asia, sometimes in large cities but more often in small villages or even remote farmhouses. His research shows that traditions can persist over a long period, but the rarity of some of the items he was able to collect also indicates that these foods represent an endangered mirror of our remote past.

In the first part of the atlas, the author explores the basic principles of the processes applied to cereals and milk. What kinds of traditional foods can be considered representative of an ancient and unique traditional cuisine? Which technologies are necessary for their production? And how might these foods have been made on a large scale and with efficient use of fuel? How were they preserved for long periods?

The atlas portion of the book presents well over 200 samples of traditional foods. Each sample includes a description with high-quality photographs.

This atlas, which - like the other atlases in the series - is published as a book plus a website, presents the plant parts that have an economic value and are offered for sale at markets and in shops. They include plants that are used as food, spices, stimulants, medicines, poisons, offerings, dyes, tannins, building materials and ground coverings.