Book 3

Way Too Much Drama

by Earl Sewell

Published 1 January 2013

The toughest lessons aren't always taught in the classroom...

Maya is ready to put the fabulous back into her life--and that means getting her manipulative cousin, Viviana, out of it. Bad enough that Viviana is living under the same roof and tried to claim Maya's boyfriend, Misalo, for herself. Now she's going to Maya's high school and she's part of the quiz team competing on a TV show...alongside Maya, Keysha and Misalo.

Maya has no sympathy when Viviana finally starts to feel the pressure of fitting in to her new world. That's until her cousin does something drastic...and dangerous. Maybe Viviana isn't as tough as everyone thought. Maya could be the only person who can help bring her back safely. Question is...does she want to?

Back To Me

by Earl Sewell

Published 1 January 2012

This is not how Maya Rogers hoped to get famous.

First her boyfriend, Misalo, dumps her, and then the revealing photos that she sent to him go viral. Maya's reputation is in shreds, and now she's getting all the wrong kind of attention from guys in her neighborhood. How did life get so out of control so fast? One answer: Viviana. Maya and her cousin were close once. But guilty secrets and long-buried resentments changed all that.

Viviana wants to make Maya miserable by stealing away Misalo, but she may be stirring up more trouble than anyone can handle. At least Maya knows that her best friend Keysha always has her back. But with so much bad blood flowing, will these family ties be severed for good?

Maya's Choice

by Earl Sewell

Published 1 January 2011
"Maya's summer is shaping up to be unforgettable-- in both good and bad ways. First she's sent to stay with her grandmother for a month. Living in the city, Maya is too far from her friend Keysha and her boyfriend, Misalo-- and too near her rebellious cousin Viviana. When Maya finally comes home, her parents drop a bombshell-- Viviana is moving in with them. Her cousin has barely unpacked before she's creating chaos. Truth is, Maya kind of likes the way life is a whole lot less predictable with Viviana around. But her motives are up for debate-- especially when it comes to Misalo. And as Maya's little sister, Anna, grows more fascinated with her cool older cousin, Maya begins to see that following where Viviana leads has its price. And it could cost Maya her reputation, her relationship-- and maybe even her future--" -- from publisher's web site.