Weavers of Wisdom

by Anne Bancroft

Published 26 October 1989
Throughout history men and women have sought answers to questions about their existence and beyond -- yet most gurus, philosophers and religious leaders have been men. This book documents women's important contributions to mystic philosophy through an examination of fifteen noted mystics including Joanna Macy, Dadi Janki, and Evelyn Underhill.

A collection of essays on 20th century women (mostly still living) whose lives or work have been concerned with spirituality, or have contained an important spiritual dimension. It will be a kind of companion volume to the author's successful "weavers of wisdom" but focusing on the women's lives and experience rather than their teaching. People interviewed include Iris Murdoch, Susan Howatch, Sheila Cassidy, Annie Dillard and Maya Angelou. Those no longer living include Annie Besant and Madame de Salzmann.