Mathematical Modelling
1 total work
v. 8
Control and Chaos
Published July 1997
The articles in this volume are an outgrowth of a US-Australia Workshop, held in Hawaii in 1995. Contributors from the fields of dynamical systems theory and control theory from the US and Australia, as well as England and Japan, focussed upon the problem of controlling nonlinear and potentially chaotic systems using limited control efforts. The essays take into account the discussions and commentaries of the participants and are reflected at the end of each article. Part I of the volume deals with modelling, behaviour, reconstructions, prediction and numerics. Part II explores controlling complex systems by means of embedding unstable periodic orbits, targeting filtering, optimization and adaptive methods. The final part of the text contains four applications papers covering such topics as: the control of a bouncing ball; evolutionary stability; chaos in ecosystems; and neural networks.