Enter The Saint

by Leslie Charteris

Published December 1972

Simon Templar is the Saint - daring, dazzling, and just a little disreputable. On the side of the law, but standing outside it, he dispenses his own brand of justice one criminal at a time.

In these three early adventures, the Saint's reputation starts to rise, as he tackles thieves, smugglers and killers. In The Man Who Was Clever he outwits Edgar Hayn, a drug smuggler who thinks he's smarter than everyone. In The Policeman with Wings he stays one step ahead of Inspector Teal in the hunt for diamonds on Dartmoor and in The Lawless Lady one of the Saint's gang helps him deal with sea-faring swindlers, only to fall in love.

Saint in New York

by Leslie Charteris

Published 1 January 1974

In Prohibition-era New York, criminals rule the city: the gangsters do what they like, and pay the judges for the privilege; the few honest cops are helpless; and above them all the Big Fellow pulls the strings. With that many sinners, cleaning up the town will take a Saint...

Simon Templar is a long way from home, and facing great danger from directions both expected and entirely unforeseen. But he promised to do the job; and a saint never goes back on his word.