Aeroplane Racing

by Don Berliner

Published 3 September 1981
Introduces airplane racing with a discussion of its history, the types of airplanes used, and the current racing classes.

Home Built Aeroplanes

by Don Berliner

Published 14 January 1982
Discusses the history, design, construction, and testing of amateur-built airplanes.


by Don Berliner

Published 15 January 1981
Discusses stunt flying, including a history of the sport, pilots, and their specially designed airplanes.

Scale Model Aeroplanes

by Don Berliner

Published September 1982
Describes the categories and kinds of scale-model airplanes and their history. Includes information on model airplanes building and complications.

Yesterday's Aeroplanes

by Don Berliner

Published 1 January 1981
Traces the development of trains from steam engines to diesel locomotives and recreates an overnight trip on a Pullman sleeper during the 1930's.

Unusual Aeroplanes

by Don Berliner

Published 1 January 1986
Describes a variety of airplanes invented through the years with unusual shapes and wing arrangements and run with human or solar power.

Personal Aeroplanes

by Don Berliner

Published September 1982
Discusses the history and technology of small airplanes, the qualifications needed for piloting them, and their practical and recreational uses.


by Don Berliner

Published March 1984
Traces the history of helicopters and discusses the many models and uses of this versatile flying machine which can take off and land vertically, hover in mid-air, and fly backwards and sideways.