How do igloos stay warm without melting? How does glue make things stick together? Does all wood float? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about materials. Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the materials we use and the amazing properties some of them have. Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes to plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.

Why do nettles sting? Do plants poo? How do plants know which way is up? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about plants and trees.

Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the plants on Earth.

Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes to plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.

How far could you throw a ball on the Moon? How much rubbish have humans left in space? How do astronauts go to the loo? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about planet outer space. Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the world we live in. Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.

Do animals have belly-buttons? Can birds sleep in mid-air? Which anmal has the longest teeth? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about animals.

Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the world we live in.

Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.

How much of the Earth is covered by ice? When will we run out of oil? Can plants turn to stone? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about planet Earth.

Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the world we live in.

Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.

How fast is the air in a sneeze? Why can't you tickle yourself? Does eating fish make you clever? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about the human body.

Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the human body.

Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.

Do animals have belly-buttons? Can birds sleep in mid-air? Which anmal has the longest teeth? Find out the answers to these questions and lots of other incredible facts about animals.

Bitesize chunks of information mean this book is full of stuff you've never even thought of on everything that is unique or impressive about the world we live in.

Science FAQs is a series of 6 books that answer questions on everything from black holes plant-eating insects in a fun and engaging way.