
by Aiden Glendinning and Jim Holmes

Published 18 March 2004
The Petronas Twin Towers that soar above Kuala Lumpur's skyline symbolise Malaysia's prosperity. Malaysia, one of Asia's 'Tiger' economies, has weathered the storm of the 1997 financial crisis and is rapidly becoming a world leader in hi-tech industries. But can Malaysia still justify its description - the 'Pearl of the Orient'? Can its fragile ecosystems be adequately protected? Will economic growth benefit all of Malaysia's multicultural population? Meet the people of Malaysia and learn about the diversity of their lives, from a tour guide to a soil scientist. This book includes maps and graphic panels showing statistics and fact boxes about size, flag, population, religion, currency and language.


by Aiden Glendinning and Jim Holmes

Published 1 September 2004
Presents the natural environment and resources, people and culture, and business and economy of Malaysia, focusing on development and change in recent years.