Stones Hb-Wybi

by Catherine Chambers

Published 1 January 1996
Includes information about the varieties of stone, how it can be carved, its endurance when used in buildings and walls, and chemicals which come from it.

Bark Hb-Wybi

by Catherine Chambers

Published 1 January 1996
Describes the bark of different trees, explaining its functions and enumerates some of the many ways we use bark, from corks to roofing material.

Introduces grass and its many uses.

Shells Hb-Wybi

by Catherine Chambers

Published 1 January 1996
Describes different kinds of shells and some of the ways they have been used, including as musical instruments, decorations, jewelry, and fertilizer.

Nuts Hb-Wybi

by Catherine Chambers

Published 1 January 1996
An introduction to a variety of nuts from around the world and how they are consumed, as well as their other uses including in dyes, shampoos, lotions, and as buttons.


by Catherine Chambers

Published 9 February 1996


by Catherine Chambers

Published 24 November 1995


by Catherine Chambers

Published 24 November 1995


by Catherine Chambers

Published 24 November 1995


by Catherine Chambers

Published 9 February 1996


by Catherine Chambers

Published 24 November 1995
Describes different kinds of wood and some of the many things wood is used for, including furniture, musical instruments, toys, and fuel.