Volleyball is for Me

by Art Thomas

Published 27 January 1983
Follows the members of a volleyball team as they learn volleyball fundamentals including serving, blocking, spiking, and passing.

Backpacking is for Me

by Art Thomas

Published August 1985
A young boy describes his first backpacking trip which included planning an itinerary, assembling the necessary food and equipment, and practicing camping etiquette.

Archery is for Me

by Art Thomas

Published September 1982
A young archer explains how to hold a bow properly, how to aim and shoot, and how to maintain and repair equipment.

Fishing is for Me

by Art Thomas

Published August 1985
Kevin and his friend Virgil explain the techniques of fishing, equipment, bait, kinds of fish, and preparing fish for cooking.

Follows a young rider as she learns the fundamentals of horsemanship including posting, dismounting, and grooming.