London Mathematical Society Monographs, New
1 primary work
Book 11
An Atlas of Brauer Characters
by Christoph Jansen, K. Lux, R Parker, and R. Wilson
Published 3 August 1995
This book is a sequel to the ATLAS of Finite Groups by J Conway, R Curtis, S Norton, R Parker, and R Wilson (OUP 1985). The bulk of the ATLAS consisted of the ordinary character tables of finite simple groups and related groups, while the present work consists mainly of the modular (or Brauer) character tables of (some of) the same groups. It draws to some extent on the book Brauer trees of sporadic groups by G Hiss and K Lux (OUP 1989), although the two works are largely complementary Hiss and Lux tackle relatively easy problems for all the sporadic groups, whereas this book is restricted to small groups (order less than 10 [9 ) and then systematically solves a much harder set of problems for all these groups. The Atlas begins with an Introduction describing the contents, giving explanations of notation, and the most important definitions and theorems from the theory of Brauer characters. Some discussion is also included of the methods used in the calculation of these characters, and the checks that have been made automatically on all the tables. A bibliography is also provided. This book is intended for research mathematicians in group theory.