Book 2

The Sign of the Grail

by C.J.S. Hayward

Published 5 May 2008
This is a book of sacrament, icon, and symbol, a book of the light of Heaven illuminating the earth. It is at once long ago and now, and you will find a meditation on time amidst encounters with different times. It includes mystical theology, and a novella of a young man's spiritual awakening after he finds in his room a book of Arthurian legends. It is about the greatest pursuit in life: the quest for the Holy Grail and whatever may lie beyond it. Throughout The Sign of the Grail there is something beyond mere earth shining through, a heavenly light that can shine right where we are. It is a deep dream--and a spiritual awakening.
A quote:

When he finally gave up and tried to think about what else he could do, he remembered a book he had seen in his closet, perhaps left over by a previous resident. He pulled out a fan and a lamp that were placed on it, and pulled out a large book. The entire leather cover had only eleven letters, and the dark leather showed signs of wear but seemed to be in remarkably good condition. The golden calligraphy formed a single word: Brocéliande. All across the front lay dark, intricate leather scrollwork.

What was "Brocéliande?" After looking at the leather and goldwork a short while, George opened Brocéliande and read:

The knight and the hermit wept and kissed together, and the hermit did ask, "Sir knight, wete thou what the Sign of the Grail be?"

The knight said, "Is that one of the Secrets of the Grail?"

"If it be one of the Secrets of the Grail, that is neither for thee to ask nor to know. The Secrets of the Grail are very different from what thou mightest imagine in thine heart, and no man will get them by looking for secrets. But knowest thou what the Sign of the Grail is?"

"I never heard of it, nor do I know it."

"Thou wete it better than thou knowest, though thou wouldst wete better still if thou knewest that thou wete."

"That be perplexed, and travail sore to understand."

The hermit said, "Knowest thou the Sign of the Cross?"

"I am a Christian and I know it. It is no secret amongst Christians."

"Then know well that the sacred kiss, the kiss of the mass, even if it be given and received but once per year, is the Sign of the Grail."

"How is that? What makes it such as I have never heard?"

"I know that not in its fullness. Nor could I count reasons even knew I the fullness of truth. But makest thou the Sign of the Cross when thou art alone?"

"Often, good hermit; what Christian does not?"

"Canst thou make the Sign of the Grail upon another Christian when thou art alone?"

Book 5

How to Survive Hard Times

by C.J.S. Hayward

Published 12 November 2018

Book 10

Book 14

Book 15

Medieval Realms

by C.J.S. Hayward

Published 23 November 2018

Book 18

Merlin's Well

by C.J.S. Hayward

Published 21 November 2018

Book 21

Origins Questions

by C.J.S. Hayward

Published 30 November 2018

Book 23